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Tenant Insurance in Canada 2023: A Comprehensive Guide to Renters Insurance

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Tenant insurance, also known as renters insurance, is a type of home insurance designed for individuals who rent their house or apartment in Canada. While your landlord’s insurance typically covers the building itself, tenant insurance provides coverage for your personal belongings and liability, which are not included in the landlord’s policy. In fact, many landlords require tenants to have insurance as part of the lease agreement.

The cost of tenant insurance is generally lower than standard home insurance since you don’t need to insure the building. In this guide, we will explore the basics of tenant insurance to help you understand its importance and what to consider when obtaining coverage.

What is Tenant Insurance?

Tenant insurance protects you and your belongings while you are renting a home, as opposed to owning it. Although tenant insurance is often classified under home insurance, it does not include coverage for the physical structure of the building you reside in, as that is typically covered by your landlord’s insurance. Therefore, renters insurance tends to be more affordable.

Who Should Get Tenant Insurance?

If you cannot afford to replace all your important belongings in the event of theft or damage, tenant insurance is highly recommended. It covers your possessions and provides additional benefits such as personal liability insurance. Some landlords even require tenants to have insurance as a condition of the lease.

What Does Tenant Insurance Cover?

Tenant insurance typically covers three main areas: content coverage, living expenses, and personal liability.

  1. Content Coverage: This includes coverage for your personal belongings, such as furniture, electronics, clothing, and books. In some cases, coverage may extend to items outside of your apartment, such as possessions stolen while traveling. Expensive items like jewelry or high-end electronics may require additional coverage to be fully protected.
  2. Living Expenses: If you are temporarily unable to live in your rented home due to events like fire or flooding, tenant insurance can cover your additional living expenses, including accommodation, transportation, and meals.
  3. Personal Liability: Tenant insurance provides protection in case you are held liable for accidental damage or injury to others. For example, if someone gets injured in your residence and files a lawsuit, or if you accidentally cause damage to your neighbor’s property, tenant insurance can help cover the associated costs.

Common Additional Coverages

When customizing your tenant insurance policy, you may come across additional coverages that can be added for an extra premium. Some common examples include:

  • Sewer Backup: Covers damage caused by clogged or overflowing pipes.
  • Overland Water: Covers loss or damage caused by water from heavy rains, spring run-off, or overflow from nearby bodies of water.
  • Full Hail: Covers loss or damage to items left outside the building, such as patio furniture.
  • Earthquake: Protects personal property damaged during earthquakes.
  • Identity Theft: Provides funds to fix your credit score, reverse fraud, and reimburse related expenses.
  • Additional Protection for Valuable Items: Replaces expensive items like jewelry, antiques, and artwork that are lost or severely damaged.

What Isn’t Covered by Tenant Insurance?

It’s important to understand what is not covered by tenant insurance:

  • The building itself is typically not covered as it falls under the landlord’s insurance.
  • High-value items may have coverage limits, and additional coverage may be required to fully protect them.
  • Certain natural disasters may not be covered or may have limited coverage.
  • Normal wear and tear on items is generally not covered by insurance.

How Much Does Tenant Insurance Cost?

The cost of tenant insurance varies depending on factors such as location, coverage limits, deductible, and additional coverages. On average, tenant insurance in Canada ranges from $20 to $30 per month. However, prices may be higher in certain provinces like Ontario. To obtain an accurate quote, insurers will consider factors such as the property type, the value of your belongings, your address, liability limit, claims history, and the features of the building.

How to Get Tenant Insurance Quotes

Obtaining tenant insurance quotes is a straightforward process that can be done online. Visit insurance websites and look for the “Get a quote” button. You will be asked to provide relevant information, including your name, contact details, new address, and policy start date. Some insurers may require additional details about the building, heating type, proximity to fire hydrants and stations, and more. Once you provide the necessary information, insurers will generate one to three options for quotes, which can be further customized. You can then purchase the insurance online or over the phone.

How to Save Money on Tenant Insurance

Here are some tips to help you save money on tenant insurance:

  1. Increase Your Deductible: Opt for a higher deductible to lower your premiums. However, ensure that you can afford the deductible amount in case you need to make a claim.
  2. Pay Annually: Consider paying your premiums annually instead of monthly to potentially receive discounts from insurers.
  3. Customize Coverage: Review your policy to include only the coverage you need. Removing unnecessary extras can help reduce premiums.
  4. Bundleyour Insurance Policies: If you have other insurance policies, such as auto insurance, consider bundling them with your tenant insurance. Many insurers offer multi-policy discounts.
  5. Install Safety Features: Installing safety features like smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and security systems may make you eligible for discounts.
  6. Maintain a Good Credit Score: Insurers may consider your credit score when determining your premiums. Maintaining a good credit score can help you secure lower rates.
  7. Shop Around: Obtain quotes from multiple insurance providers to compare prices and coverage options. This allows you to find the most competitive rate for your needs.

Important Tips and Considerations

  • Take an inventory of your belongings: Create a detailed inventory of your possessions, including their estimated value. This will help you determine the appropriate coverage amount and make the claims process smoother in case of loss or damage.
  • Understand policy limits: Review the coverage limits of your policy to ensure they adequately protect your belongings. If you have high-value items, consider additional coverage options.
  • Read the policy documents carefully: Familiarize yourself with the terms and conditions of your policy, including coverage limits, deductibles, exclusions, and any additional coverages you have purchased.
  • Update your policy when needed: Inform your insurance provider of any changes to your circumstances, such as acquiring new high-value items or moving to a new address. This ensures that your coverage remains up to date.
  • Be aware of exclusions: Understand what events or circumstances are excluded from your policy coverage. Common exclusions include intentional damage, acts of war, and certain natural disasters.
  • Maintain documentation: Keep receipts, photographs, and any other relevant documentation of your belongings. This will assist you in the claims process by providing proof of ownership and value.
  • Review your policy annually: Regularly review your policy to ensure it still meets your needs. Contact your insurance provider if you have any questions or require adjustments.


Tenant insurance provides crucial protection for renters in Canada. It covers personal belongings, additional living expenses, and personal liability. By obtaining tenant insurance, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are financially protected in case of theft, damage, or liability claims. Remember to shop around, customize your coverage, and thoroughly understand the policy terms to find the best tenant insurance for your needs.

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